Monday, October 19, 2009

Bar Poker Rant

Feeling the need for a poker rant about players that play bar poker. I know that when you play bar poker that you see and hear it all including they were suited, it's only free poker, or I was ready to go home. There are several of us that play a lot of bar poker and because it is most of the live play that I get I take it very serious. Some may say too serious, but I am person that if I am going to do it I am going to do it right. I play bar poker for the love of the game of poker and I look at all bar games as a chance to try and learn and improve my over all poker game. I always play to win. I am going to use last nights game as an example and I will state that I am not picking on the player or how he plays about how it went down and I have respect for his play most of the time, but this happen to me and others many times so I will use this as an example. I am short stacked last night at 2300 and basically waiting for an all in hand. I have A-Q off and know that when it gets to me I will push. Player A raises out of position to 1200 which is 3 times the blind. Player B that calls if he has any two face cards calls. I push. Both players call and flop is 2-3-5 rainbow. Player A bets big. Player B folds. Player A turns over 3-5 off for two pair and I am done. I under stand the calls after I moved all in because it's not that much more. What I don't understand is the raise with 3-5 preflop. I believe that if I would have had more chips and just called preflop that he would have pushed whatever the flop come out with to try and buy pot. So basically he plays bar poker to try and out play other players. My outlook of bar poker is that you can try and outplay people after the flop, but it usually doesn't work because many players will not lay down their draws or bottom pair so most times you better have the goods or you will get beat some of the times. He played several more hands similar and was soon knocked out. What I am wondering what did his playing this style accomplish. Did he learn that you can't bluff all the time in bar poker or does he just not care that much about a bar poker game. I certainly have raised before in bad position with less then stellar cards and won so I can see it as a play early in the blind levels. But to be knocked out playing weak starting hands that I don't get and maybe never will or better yet maybe I should try it one night and see how It goes!


  1. I'm right there with you... In fact, I usually call bar poker, "Poker Roulette", since roulette is way closer to the type of game they are playing than actual poker.

    However, the thing you're missing about Mr. 3-5 off is the, "I saw that move on TV" effect. That 3-5 preflop raise, for those with no clue, looks just like the kind of move Daniel or Gus would have made in a TV poker broadcast. If the pros can do it, why can't he? ;)


  2. I fully understand your need to rant. I feel it too. When I'm playing bar poker, I truly am focusing on the players and their styles and really trying to tell who wants to go home, who plays them cause they are suited or the bluff all the time players. While I will tell you that AQ is the hand of the devil and should never be played, I also know that against any two random cards I'm a favorite, but a 2:1 favorite against most of the any two cards. If my shove is an obvious call, is it worth being 2:1 at that moment? We've got to learn to excel at the game we are in.
