I haven't had much to talk about lately after having taken a really nice two week vacation to California and then cruising to Mexico, but here goes anyway. I did get a chance one night on cruise to play some 1-2 no limit cash game. On cruise ships they use the Poker Pro tables that are electronic with no dealer. It kind of like playing online but with the players right in front of you, so you can get tells. I watched for quite a while before playing and it clearly was a no foldem game, but I knew that going in. I put in $100 which was probably a too little for the pot sizes but that was what I was willing to lose. Every hand was raised preflop from $7 to $12 and most players called. I had decided to play very tight and try and win a few big pots and get out. My first hand that I played was QQ. I raised to $12 and got two callers. Flop was all unders. I fired out $25 and got two callers. Turn is a K. Lady bets out. I fold. Hand plays out until end. She has K-J and other guy has 8's and calls all the way with second pair. Down $37. A few hands later, I am big blind for $2. It is raised to $7. I have KQ, so I make the call. Flop is K-Q-10. I push all in for my last $64 and get two callers. Turn is a small card and river is a J. I'm done. Same lady bets out on river other guy calls. Lady shows A-5 and other guy has K-5. So, lady calls $64 with Ace high and a gut shot draw and hits and other guy call with top pair and a 5 kicker. What did they think I had? That was the end of my cruise card playing. If I had brought a $1000 with me to play poker, I think I could have won a lot of money. But, I was on vacation and didn't really want to spend it playing cards.

6 Corona's and Chips & Salsa for $10!
My hyper aggressive play continues to work well for me. It creates lots of table tilt and seems to work well for bar poker games. It's the chip big or go home mentality.
CMPPA Team event today. That should give something new to blog about.
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