Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Style #2 Min Bet Guys

Min-Bet Guy
This type of player almost always bets the minimum. They tend to bet if they are on a draw or have the a monster hand. When dealing with this style you want to bet into this person before they make a hand, but bet must be big enough to make them fold. If you reraise this person they will call, so be prepared to put more chips into pot. You will have to adjust your bet based on his chip stack. It has to be big enough to hurt his stack to make him consider folding. If he hits his hand he will make a small or minimum bet regardless of pot size. He wants action. The only time they consider a bigger bet is on the river if they have a big hand, unless you have the nuts you must fold. Down side to style. The minimum bets allow more players to stay into hands and chase their draws lowering your odds to win the hand. The upside is that it is very difficult to know if this player is on a draw or has a big hand. It also tends to lead to bigger pots because more players will stay in the hand. This is an interesting style. Players of this style probably played a lot of limit poker at sometime in their lives so it's a learned behavior. As the blind levels rise I like to play hands with this style because it is easy to get a big payoff, you just have to be able to fold if you think you are behind.

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